Ms. Elder's College English 9

John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Our next literary element is character.

Character can be revealed by:
  • the character's actions
  • speech
  • appearance
  • comments of other characters and the author

Certain types of characters are:

  • protagonist - central character
  • antagonist - force in conflict with the protagonist
  • character foil - character whose traits are in direct contrast to those of the main character
  • stereotype - character that possesses expected traits of a group, rather than being an individual.

Character development is achieved by showing the multitude of traits and behaviors that give a character the complexity of a human.

  • a flat character is NOT fully developed
  • a round character is fully developed, with many traits --bad and good-- shown in the story

Characters can also experience change over the course of a story. The amount of change in a story also affects its quality.

  • a static character is one that doesn't experience a basic change during a story (Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet)
  • a dynamic character is one that experiences a basic change during a story (Romeo)


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