Ms. Elder's College English 9

John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science

Monday, October 30, 2006

MCAS Changes

Starting with the class of 2010 (YOU!), students must now score 240, or proficient to pass the MCAS. Students are no longer able to graduate with a score of 220, or needs improvement.

What does this mean to you?

It means we are kicking it up a notch! I want you guys to be totally prepared for MCAS when you leave this class. We will increase our focus on the five paragraph essay and vocabulary.

What can you do to help yourself?

Be proactive! Read as much as you can. When you read, good writing is modeled for you page after page. Study vocabulary with increased intensity and practice developing paragraphs that pop!

What will I do to help you?

We will continue writing essays in class and begin work on learning to revise and edit our work. I will bring in more outside reading material for you. I am available via email, this blog, and after school for any questions you may have.

We don't fear the MCAS here!

I know you all have what it takes to score Proficient and Advanced in order to earn scholarships to one of the fabulous State colleges.